1970 E-Body Build Sheet Decoder This decoder works with 1970 E-Body (Plymouth Barracuda & Dodge Challenger) Build Sheets only. In 1970 there were a few styles (revisions) of the Mopar Build Sheet (called Chrysler Broadcast Sheet) that were used. They all have the information (option codes) printed in the same locations on the sheets, but the look and design of the sheet changed slightly with each revision. Some versions were single color and others used multi color designs, but they all will work in this decoder. Be aware that some 1970 E-Body Build Sheets were printed on extra unused 1969 sheets in what we believe was an effort to use up remaining inventory. This was done with sheets that were destined to be used by departs in which the option code boxes did not change locations from the 1969 sheet to 1970 sheet (e.i. the upholstery department). If you look at the top center of your E-Body Build Sheet and it says E-SERIES 1969 then you have a rare E-Body Cuda or Challenger Build Sheet that was printed on old stock. The good news is all the codes are in the correct spots and it can still be decoded correctly with this decoder. The key is to carefully transfer the codes to the decoder program based on the location of each character and not the box category labels. This decoder is for entertainment purposes only and not meant to be an authenticator of Build Sheets. Feel free to contact us on the forum if you need help. We will be happy to assist you with using the decoder. TO CLEAR THE SHEET OF ENTRIES USE THE "CLEAR SHEET" BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM. Forum Help Enter your build sheet data here: The letter "o" is not used. All characters that look like "o"s are ZEROs "0" SN: YA18113503-216 All Mopar Decoders